Structured Notes

Structured Notes

Structured notes are financial products offered by big banks (Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America). They have been around since 1990 but many investors are unaware of how they work and what benefits they can provide. They are issued for certain periods, between one and two years with new offerings being made available monthly. […]

Retirement savings allocation

There are no magic bullets when it comes to the allocation of resources in retirement. Although everyone’s situation is different, some concerns are shared by most people who are retired. How those concerns are addressed is where individual retirement planning shines and becomes most useful in providing confidence for those in the remaining years of

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Secure Act 2.0

Secure Act 2.0

The age when required minimum distributions from IRAs must be taken will be pushed forward from the present age of 72, ultimately going to age 75 by 2032. Critics of the law say that it has not gone far enough in helping more Americans achieve a secure retirement. Presently only 50% of American workers are

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Personalizing Inflation

Personalizing Inflation

I will be the first to agree that inflation is running rampant. But, rather than complaining to everyone you meet, consider how it may affect you personally. For example, if you own your home, you are less concerned about the increases in Real Estate or rent, but more concerned about the costs of home maintenance

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Educational Workshop or Presentation

Al Smith not only does private consultations, but he also travels to speak at events. If you would like to host a financial workshop at your organization, contact Al today. Financial topics include: Social Security Retirement Financial Wellness College Planning Investing Tax Planning Insurance Planning Human Resources Continued Education Requirements Fraud Prevention and Awareness in

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